Ettekandepäev “Places and processes of pilgrimage, past and present”

11. jaanuaril 2017, algusega  kell 10.15. toimub TÜ Von Bocki majas (Ülikooli 16) , auditooriumis 214 palverännu temaatikale pühendatud ettekandepäev “Places and processes of pilgrimage, past and present”. Ettekandepäeva töökeel on inglise keel.



Tonno Jonuks, Estonian Literary Museum „Pagan pilgrimages? Some thoughts about Early Modern age superstition in Estonia“

Atko Remmel, University of Tartu „Pilgrimage practices in contemporary Estonia: some (peculiar?) developments“.

11:15–11:30 Coffee break


Kristel Kivari, University of Tartu.  „Crop circles in England: gateways to the web of meanings.“

Tiina Sepp, University of York, University of Tartu. „From Canterbury to Durham: Pilgrimage to and at English cathedrals.“

12:30- 14:00 Lunch


Lina Leparskiene, Lithuanian National Culture Center. „Our Lady of Trakai. Revival of the old cult.“

Kikee D. Bhutia, University of Tartu (the theme will be announced later)

15:00-15:15  Coffee break

15:15-16:00 Open discussion.


Kõik on oodatud kuulama!

Info Kristel Kivari (